1. What is Career and Technical Education (CTE)?

CTE is an educational pathway that combines academic learning with technical skills training. It prepares students for careers in various fields, including healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, business, and more.

2. How does CTE differ from traditional academic education?

CTE focuses on hands-on learning and career-specific skills, while traditional academic education typically emphasizes broader subjects like mathematics, literature, and social studies. CTE programs integrate both academic knowledge and practical skills.

3. What types of CTE programs are offered at Lancaster High School? 

 There are 12 CTE programs at Lancaster High School. Animal Science, Auto Technology, Broadcasting, Construction, Cosmetology, Criminal Science, Culinary Arts, Health Tech, Marketing, Multimedia, Teaching Academy and Systems Tech.

4. How can CTE help prepare students for future careers?

CTE programs offer students hands-on experience and technical skills that directly translate into the workforce. Many programs also provide opportunities for internships, certifications, and industry partnerships, which can enhance employability after graduation. CTE also has 9 CCP classes that are embedded into the classes that transfer to College credit for students interested in that pathway as well.

5. Are CTE courses only for students who want to enter the workforce right after high school?

No, CTE programs can also prepare students for higher education. Many CTE students continue their education at colleges, trade schools, or apprenticeship programs, where they can build on the skills learned in high school. In fact CTE also has 9 CCP classes that are embedded into the classes that transfer to College credit for students interested in that pathway as well.

6. Do CTE programs offer certifications or credentials?

Yes, many CTE programs offer students the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certifications. STNA, OSHA 10, NCCER Core, CPR and First Aid, 

7. Are CTE programs available to all students?

Yes, most comprehensive high schools offer CTE programs to all students. At Lancaster High School over 50% of our students enroll in CTE programs.

8. Is there any cost associated with CTE programs?

Yes, there are course fees (max $70/year) associated with programs and costs vary depending on which program you go into. However, there is no charge for required student uniforms, tools, etc. Financial help for the course fees is available.

9. How do CTE programs support college readiness?

CTE programs often integrate academic content, such as math, science, and communication skills, with technical learning. Students may also earn college credit through dual enrollment programs or Advanced Placement (AP) courses in certain fields.

10. What are the benefits of participating in a CTE program?

Benefits include acquiring marketable skills, gaining real-world experience, exploring potential career interests, earning certifications, and increasing employability. CTE can also boost confidence and help students understand their career aspirations.

11. Can students earn college credit through CTE?

Yes, ALL CTE programs offer opportunities for students to earn college credit through partnerships with local colleges or through CCP courses. or industry certifications.

12. Do CTE students have a higher graduation rate?

Studies show that students who participate in CTE programs are more likely to stay engaged in school and graduate on time because they see the direct relevance of their studies to future careers.

13. How can students and parents get more information about CTE programs?

Students and parents can speak with school counselors, attend CTE program information nights, or visit the school’s website for details on available pathways, course offerings, and application procedures.

14. Are there work-based learning opportunities in CTE programs?

Many CTE programs include work-based learning experiences like internships, apprenticeships, job shadowing, or cooperative education, where students gain practical experience in their field of interest.